The Cimpress Design Client Library

The Cimpress Design Client Library

One of the biggest successes that came out of the Columbus Project was our component-based, integrated design experience. Instead of moving users into a complex and uncomfortable designer that resembles Adobe Photoshop, I stripped down the essential actions to create a simple solution any company could integrate into their existing e-commerce front-end.

However, there was still a place for a more “full-featured” designer for more complex products like brochures and packaging. Our various internal business units we eager for a solution for those products that was just as easy to integrate and customize.

So I worked with the development team to further blow out our existing designer into a 2 forms: a simplified, integrated version, as well as a more full-featured web app. I hired additional designers and copywriters to support new use-cases/integrations and overhaul the documentation for developers in other business units who were not so familiar with the technology. Over the course of a year we shaped was once just a sketch of mine on a napkin into a full-featured product of its own. The end result was the “Design Client Library.” A flexible component library that can scale to power any design experience your customers need.